UPDATE: Metro Council At-Large Candidate, Steve Glover Describes Details on His Civlian Lawsuit in Response to David Briley’s Executive Order


On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Michael Patrick Leahy spoke with metro council at-large candidate, Steve Glover where he described his recent lawsuit filed against the ‘illegal’ executive order by Mayor David Briley.

Leahy: Steve, you have really thrown down the gauntlet here. And you’ve gone after Mayor David Briley that I would call his illegal executive order that he issued in a desperate political ploy to try to pander to the left and you’ve kind of hit back. tell us about what’s happened since you filed a lawsuit on Monday?

Glover: Yes. so here’s what I believe has occurred. So you’ve heard Speaker Sexton that this can be far more reaching than just the ECD grants.  But last night I also heard from the FOP.

Leahy: The Fraternal Order of Police.

Glover: The Fraternal Order of Police here in Nashville. I’m going to read this. Project Safe announced by Brilye earlier this year, maybe you remember it. It was a big announcement. Is now at jeopardy due to the executive order. 200,000 dollars to combat gun violence crime through the NIBIN.

Leahy: That’s a state.

Glover: It’s a federal grant.

Leahy: The anti-sanctuary city law that was passed and amended in 2018 sponsored by Jay Reedy basically said don’t do any sanctuary city elements at the county and city level and if you do we’re going to likely stop giving you state grants. And there are millions of dollars from the ECD that will now be stopped potentially.

Glover: And can be stopped.

Leahy: Can be stopped from going to Nashville.

Glover: Look, I think our friends up on the hill don’t want to do anything economically to Nashville to stymie any growth. But I believe they’re going to watch this election carefully tomorrow and…

Leahy: It’s a signal. It’s a signal.

Glover: I don’t think it’s a signal. It flares. Firecrackers. It’s the 4th of July. We’re shooting off saying,

Leahy: Send a message to Briley.

Glover: Well, send the message to Nashville because what I love is the other side is just beating the fire out of me out there. For those of you calling me names and doing all those things.

Leahy: You mean on the left? The left-wing lunatics.

Glover: The far left. Not everybody that’s Democrat falls into that. Not everybody that’s moderate falls into that.

Leahy: Almost every Democrat in my view is a left-wing lunatic in Nashville these days.

Glover: I’ve truly enjoyed reading the comments on how I’ve lowered my standards because I’ve done this. I’m protecting the city and protecting the taxpayers as I’ve done all the time.

Leahy: As you have a right to do under the law as a citizen.

Glover: That’s correct. Correct. But as a Metro Councilman, I’ve done the same thing. And that’s one reason I’m going to continue and hopefully tomorrow night we win. And when I say we, it’s us. You go out and you vote. You vote for me. That’s our win. That keeps our voice alive.

Leahy: I have characterized this race as eight candidates running for four seats. Bob Mendes has already won five of those seats. Four are open and will be determined tomorrow. I’ve characterized this race as Steve Glover versus the seven left-wing lunatics.

I’ve recommended that if you are a conservative living in Davidson County, you’re the best bet is to cast one ballot and one ballot only. That’s going to give him the best chance of winning this at-large seat. Steve Glover would be the person if you’re a conservative with common sense you would vote for Steve as an at large candidate. So Steve. A lot has happened since last week.

Glover: Its been an active 24/48 hours whatever.

Leahy: Tell us about the lawsuit you filed on Monday. Broke that story here in our studios in our 7 am hour. Tell us about the lawsuit. Tell us about the reaction. tell us about the support you’re getting and how you’re energizing the conservative common sense base here in Nashville.

Glover: From the support side, it couldn’t be better than what it’s been. Thank you for standing up and protecting the people of Nashville That’s really why I’m running for the office because you know it would be a whole lot easier for me to walk away and go and do other things.

Leahy: Well because you’re spending money of your own to get the job done. You’ve spent a thousand bucks to file the lawsuit.

Glover: Right. Right. But that’s ok.

Leahy: You’re an engaged citizen basically.

Glover: Well, I am. And thank you, by the way, representative Reedy for giving us that opportunity as individuals because it’s challenging.

Leahy: Well, Jay Reedy was the sponsor of the amended anti-sanctuary bill that gave private citizens the opportunity to challenge in court any illegal executive orders passed by county and city officials.

Glover: And I think it was a brilliant move quite frankly because it did open it up. Here’s the reality. The far left side is beating the fire out of me. And by the way, my skins pretty thick and go ahead an bring it up. If I’m wrong, they don’t really say anything. But if I’m right oh it gets them hard and it tears them to pieces.

Leahy: Because they want to destroy Nashville basically. And you’re the last man standing, and you stood up on Monday.

Glover: And I’m not afraid.

Leahy: And by the way what voters ought to do if they want to help you is go out and vote tomorrow. That’s what you should do if you want to support this brave stand for common sense. Now, desperate David as we call him here, in the Mayor’s race, you’ve got the choice between the very very very bad desperate David Briley and the very very bad John Cooper. Both progressives but John Cooper is smart enough to not say anything while desperate David Briley destroys himself by pandering to the left.

So he issues this executive order which says among other things, first let’s go and overturn this law that’s already been passed by the state legislature and is in fact a state law. In addition to that, he tells metro employees not to comply with legitimate orders of federal authorities and he claims that well, we’re not really violating the law. Except, yes he is violating the law in that executive order in my view. So, tell us about the details of your lawsuit. What are you saying in that?

Glover: So, we think that and when I say we…

Leahy: You and your advisors.

Glover: I got some lawyers to help me look at things.

Leahy: You’re not an attorney.

Glover: That’s right. I’m not.

Leahy: You don’t play one on the radio.

Glover: I’m not going to play one in real life either.

Leahy: But, the way this works is typically an attorney will give you friendly advice. But you go ahead and file it on your own. You could hire an attorney to do that. But responding rapidly and the fees associated with that would be really big. It’s smarter in this particular case to file it on your own having talked privately to attorneys who are knowledgable.

Glover: And that’s exactly what I did.

Leahy: Common sense. That’s how somebody with common sense reacts to a situation like this.

Listen to the full hour:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 am to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “David Briley” by David Briley. 









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